The home of
 Yirgacheffe coffee 

“Sometimes I can go hours without drinking coffee,

 it’s called sleeping.”


The origins of coffee drinking

The origins of coffee drinking can be traced back to the Arabian Peninsular in the 15th Century, when Yemeni traders brought the beans from Ethiopia to Saudi Arabia.

By the end of the 16th Century coffee drinking had spread across the Middle East and into Indonesia. Within the next 100 years coffee would be enjoyed across the globe. 

All Arabica coffee beans grown around the world today find their DNA in Ethiopian coffee.

Our signature single origin Ethiopian Yirgacheffe roasted and finely ground coffee, retraces the history providing the tastes and flavors enjoyed in the early Arabian coffee houses over 600 years ago.

We want to recreate that early coffee house experience providing premium coffees from around the world that can be enjoyed by anyone, anywhere and at anytime.

Join us for a coffee to discuss your requirements

Contact us


Please contact us for any questions or requests


Distribution Partners

We are interested in establishing distribution channels in the following territories:

  • United States 
  • Canada
  • Middle East
  • Asia


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All rights reserved. ATOM Coffee Ltd

© 2021